[[ nAMe ]]
f.D nIcHoLAs

[[ aka ]]
i lOVe mONEy™

[[ daTE oF bIRtH ]]

[[ lEveL ]]

[[ tYPe ]]

[[ jOb ]]

[[ sKiLL ]]
aCt stUpID
dRAw diNosAuR

[[ iNtEReSteD ]]

[[ liKE ]]
dO teRRibLE tHiNgs

[[ dIsliKE ]]
bAD bReatH
smEllY aRMpiT
hONg kOnG fOOt


iF yOU wANt tO lovE
soMEOne yOu nEVer hAd...

yOU hAVe tO dO
sOMEthInG yOu nEver dONe.


iF yOU aRE huRt aND yOU aRe aNGrY...

yOu aRe cRyiNG...

pLEaSe rEmeMbEr mE...

i wIll hOLd yOU
witH my hANds...

tOuCh yOU
wiTh mY cARe...

chEEr yOU
witH mY bESt.


i aM a nuRSe...

pRoTecTiNg yOU wHile yOu aRe wEaK...

giVE yOU hOPe whEn yOU cAN't sEe.

iF I dON't mAKe yOu smILe...

wHo wIll?


i cAN't bE, wHaT i uSEd tO bE...

sO i hAd tO stARt oFf lEaRniNG aGaIN.


rUn aWAy
fInd a waY
oUt oF bLinDness
oUt oF dAY...

niGhT hAD cAMe
dARk hAs tAKe
dREams hAVe juSt betRaY...

feEL nO rEgRet
aS i'vE lEarn
mY dAY...

mAyBe fAiLuRe iS a
bEauTiFul thiNG.


mOi bRoThEr

mOi EviL twIn

aiYo tHaT gIrL

mOo jO jO jO

xiAo Mik

bABy kIttY


fRanCe mOnStAr

fraNcE bElLe

DuRRaIn cAke

muRdeRoUs RaBBi+

neIgHbOurIng sIsteR

bLiNg bLinG pEArL

tWinKle mOi fOOt

iRRitaTIng kID

gONoCoCcuS hULk

suRVivOR cuTie

sQuared pAntS

pOiSon iVy

sMAll biBi

jEnSon diDi

gRinER gIrl

lAzOr viOlIn


jAwS bReAKer

wROnG pERsOn

zOmBIe kIt

sHAnGhAi iDiOt


kIsS gooDByE


kAeDe matSuSHima

aOi sOLa


blAnChe gUrL


lONely GeR

lOliTTa cUTe


mY fRiEndStER

sTOmp hAngOut


vIRgo hOrosCopE

tArrOt rEAdinG

cHarActEr aNalYsis


pAPer cRAne

nApKin rOSe

caRRorT cAKe

iCe-cReaM cAstLe

oRAnGe rAbBit

i lOve rABBiTs

miNi miiE




December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


nInE oNe tWO nINe

nINE fiVE foUR eiGht



__[ Monday, January 29, 2007 ]__

Phoned Jeremy...
and had informed him...
that I am going take MC...
as I need to go for checkup...
for the next two to three days.

I will be away...
and won't be back...
to update my blog for a few days.

I loVe mONeY™
2:12 AM

__[ Sunday, January 28, 2007 ]__

after my tiring work...
I went to Clarke Quay...
and do my shopping alone.

After that...
I sit alone outside a bar...
and watch Singapore vs Malaysia.

Anyway just now...
I went to bugis with my brother...
to shop for his Chinese new year clothes.

shopping again...
and I brought a shirt...
again for myself to wear.

Payday is coming...
and mummy is bugging me...
to give her a portion of my salary.
**sob sob**

I've applied for Master card...
and it will take about 2-5 weeks...
before they send it to me for spending.

bibi sound weird today...
she sounds abnormally sad...
and I worried that she might...
experience something bad today.
**sayang bibi**

No sad ok...
BiBi order chocolate cake for you le...
so please look forward for the cake ok.

I loVe mONeY™
11:15 PM

__[ Friday, January 26, 2007 ]__

let me introduce...
my little friend here.

my friend cute hor...
everyday after work...
I'm sure will get to walk pass it.

This fellow here...
is still consider a baby.
**sayang kitty**

But hor...
the fat white cat...
keep teaching this baby...
all the very wrong things.

I loVe mONeY™
11:16 PM

__[ Thursday, January 25, 2007 ]__

is a beautiful...
and wonderful day.
**yay out loudly**

In the morning...
I am so lucky to see...
the cute little girl again.

About 3 days ago...
I happened to saw this girl...
playing "peek~a~boo" with a baby.

Her smile was...
really so sweet and...
she was really very cute.

about 2pm+...
I got this AngMoh customer.

Her name was...
Laure Geneste...
and she was drop dead Chio.

what a lucky day...
to see pretty girls today.
**evil muahahaha**

I loVe mONeY™
4:58 PM

__[ ]__

is going to be...
my goodie off day.

I planned...
to have a walk...
around Clarke Quay....
on my tiring Saturday night.

The day before...
I already went there for a walk...
and sweated out my vains to chill myself.

But I think...
that was not enough for me...
as I still can get moody and lonely.

None the less...
I need some physical exercise...
to cool my emotions down and think.

And that is why...
you will get to saw me...
running around my company.

I loVe mONeY™
1:43 AM

__[ ]__

Thanks Kate...
for offering your shoulder...
and your attentions to my problem.

And not forgetting...
my cute Jenson DiDi...
who always take note...
and show your concern to me.

I loVe mONeY™
1:14 AM

__[ Wednesday, January 24, 2007 ]__

I am...
going on...
a slow suicide now.

1st thing...
I didn't take...
my medication today.

I drink...
soya bean drink...
which is rich in vitamin K.

Anytime from now...
I may felt some difficulties...
and maybe faint down on the spot.

in case you don't know...
Singaporeans are concern-less.

I loVe mONeY™
4:55 PM

__[ ]__

Hey people...
check this link...
Mingz intro me de.

Its a...
survey about...
your unhappiness.

And I got a lot of things...
below international average.
**sob sob**

I loVe mONeY™
12:48 PM

__[ ]__

Oh man...
I did not take...
my medication today.

I'll be fine...
and hopefully alright.

I loVe mONeY™
10:18 AM

__[ Tuesday, January 23, 2007 ]__

2 minutes ago...
I just finish serving a...
transvestites customer.
**bang head on the wall**

Oh man...
she/he was so tall...
nearly about my height.

The worst of all is...
when I look at her/him face...
I notice that she/he never shave clean.
**faint on the spot**

I loVe mONeY™
6:48 PM

__[ ]__

Long time...
never go have a break...
for myself to enjoy and relax liao.

I want...
to catch some movies...
read up my stack of books...
and especially going for a swim at the beach.

Life is so...
recently by Jo.

And I think...
its gonna take me...
a very long time to get normal.

of what had happened...
I sincerly wanted to thanks Jo...
being there for me to learn my lesson.
**arigarto JoJo**

As for now on...
life had to go on...
smiles still need to show lots...
and money still must earn more.

didn't realize...
Clarke Quay is so near...
to my bloody work place.

later maybe...
can go there and....
jump into the river for a swim.
**yay out**

I loVe mONeY™
3:48 PM

__[ ]__

Since when...
my blog post...
getting so sad...
and sounds negative.

These is really not...
what I had planned to be.
**glare at blog**

none is to be blame...
for all these "going down" feelings.

And no one...
deserved to see...
my sad and angry side.

I've learnt...
my lessons again.

I know I am stupid...
and shouldn't be honest...
to others about myself again.

One step ahead...
to become the monster...
that I had dreamed to be.

And one step away...
from being loving and caring.
**evil muahahahaha**

I loVe mONeY™
9:00 AM

__[ Monday, January 22, 2007 ]__

I've wrote...
two song so far...
in my horrible life.

One is for myself...
and I used to sing it...
nearly everytime I feel down.

The other one...
is for someone...
who I want to be with.

And sadly...
most of the time...
I sang the 2 song to myself only.

So who on earth...
wanna have the pleasure...
to listen to my composition...
and my horrible out of tune singing?

I loVe mONeY™
2:01 AM

__[ ]__

after spilling out...
my frustration in the...
previous post on my blog.

I am now...
a free man again...
**evil muahahaha...**

need to start up...
my part time business...
before I lose the opportunity again.

Trying to pen down...
all the ideas and strategy...
and organize it accordingly.

I loVe mONeY™
1:56 AM

__[ ]__

I felt so distance...
from you all of a sudden...
and I don't know what to do.

I really...
don't know...
what should I do...
and how am I supposed to do.

Why are things...
repeating themselves to me...
and why can't I have a way out of it.

stupid me...
be a gay and go Changi.

I loVe mONeY™
1:43 AM

__[ Sunday, January 21, 2007 ]__

I don't think...
I have anything..
to say here today.

I loVe mONeY™
11:56 AM

__[ Saturday, January 20, 2007 ]__

always a busy day.

should be...
it have been busy...
since I've start working.

I'm not feeling well...
but I hope its ok now.

Sorry about it...
if I ever made anyone worry..

I loVe mONeY™
11:44 AM

__[ ]__

I am afraid...
that anytime...
it might happen again.

All I need...
is a little more time...
and some energy to finish.

please tell me...
how long can I live?

Will I have the chance...
to build my own loving family?
**quoted from Aya**

This is not the way...
I want to drop down in peace...
neither is the way I wanted to live.

So I hope that...
my time won't catch up...
with the health of my body.

I loVe mONeY™
12:03 AM

__[ Friday, January 19, 2007 ]__

give me the strength...
to go on a little bit more.

I loVe mONeY™
8:18 PM

__[ ]__

my hair...
its like no color lor.
**sob sob**

Waste my money...
on the fake hair dying product.
**twirling hair**

my manager...
told me that I'm suffering...
from communication problem.

my oral message...
just can't seems to get through.

He kept seeing me....
saying A with B + C and maybe E...
but not the main message that I wanna tell him.

And he think...
that I am suffering....
from speech handicap.
**wail out loudly**

I loVe mONeY™
1:29 PM

__[ ]__

Wah liao...
stupid aircon...
give me a breakdown.

Now I'm so hot...
sitting here and blog...
and do my office work at the same time.
**sweat roll down**

Pray hard...
that our temper...
won't goes up with the heat.
**pray to Toa Pek Gong**

Don't cha wish...
your girlfriend was hot like me?
**singing loudly to manager**

Don't cha wish...
your girlfriend was freak like me?
**shake butt infront of manager**

I loVe mONeY™
10:43 AM

__[ Thursday, January 18, 2007 ]__

dye my hair le...
with some unheard...
Japanese hair dying brand.

In the end...
also don't know...
what the hell color it is.

My mum...
dye it for me...
and that was the 2nd times...
she done it for me and I bet she hates it.
**thanks mum**

brought some...
Gatsby hair wax...
although I don't know...
how in the hell am I going to style.
**sob sob**

I loVe mONeY™
11:45 PM

__[ ]__

Dear Jo....
promise me...
be selfish for yourself.

I'm telling you this...
is because I am gifted...
to know most of the things...
that other people do not know.
**wink and smile to Jo**

I loVe mONeY™
11:01 PM

__[ ]__

off day again...
and so boring again.

Banana brothers...
according to SY and Sam...
are gays living and loving together.

Oh my...
little girls now a days...
are as sick as those old men...
that hangs around in Outram.
**shake head**

later going out...
with YQ for a walk.

Then hopefully...
got chance to check out...
the Cosafe Cafe I was talking about.

I loVe mONeY™
1:05 PM

__[ ]__

When I am lost...
I'll bite my thumb...
and close my blind eyes.

If I can cry...
that means that...
I'm going to be alright.

Any moments from now...
I'll bite my thumb and close my eyes.

And the worst of all...
I don't think that I will cry.

But lucky...
my French girl...
is online tonight.

I loVe mONeY™
12:55 AM

__[ ]__

Just now...
I went to Suntec...
and met up with Kate.

She damn evil lor...
take opportunity to invest...
in the business that I am planning to have.

Eh Kate...
how come don't have the song...
which I've requested you to play?

next time I bring CD...
for you to play for me ok?
**u my mouth shape**

talking about business...
I'm looking for potential people...
to build a business team and make money.
**evil muahahahaha**

The idea is in my head...
and the plan is on my book...
what I lack now is just the confidence.

I loVe mONeY™
12:11 AM

__[ Wednesday, January 17, 2007 ]__

just now...
I caused a power trip...
and the company suffered badly.
**apologize to management**

due to the power failure...
I had to retype my blog entry again.
**slam keyboard**

I loVe mONeY™
4:12 PM

__[ ]__


A type of heart disease that involve the failure of right side of the heart.

Signs or symptoms

- Able to hear extra heart and lung sounds that are not normal when listening to the chest.

- Fatigue.

Headache, confusion, extreme sleepiness, and coma.

Shortness of breath, fast breathing, or breathing that worsens later in the day and at night.


Treatment depends on what is the cause of the heart failure and the symptoms. The goal of treatment is to stop or prevent problems caused by Cor Pulmonale. Another goal is to keep the disease from getting worse. Without treatment patient's life will be at risk.


Exercise and other activities can cause the need for more oxygen so that the heart has to work harder. Advised to decrease any form of physical activities and may not be allowed to do any hard exercises. Patients may need to be mentally prepare to stay in bed for a very long periods of time if the condition getting worst.


Blood thinning medicine that prevent blood clots.

Heart medicine to help your heart beat stronger and more regular.

I loVe mONeY™
12:34 AM

__[ Tuesday, January 16, 2007 ]__

is a busy day...
so that is why...
I didn't blog anything.

Oh my...
don't know why...
I got boiled last night...
when someone started a stalk thread on Jo.

I think its was my...
"male species reaction"...
that makes me so boiled over for Jo.

So sweetie...
you're born pretty...
so I need to chill down...
and learn to accept the fact that...
guys like me will get melt by you easily.
**sob sob**

You are so special to me...
that I always look forward...
to bring out that sweet smile from you.

LocalSing you die liao...
I wanna bite you into pieces liao.
**RAWR out loud**

I loVe mONeY™
1:40 PM

__[ Sunday, January 14, 2007 ]__

stupid YQ...
whats happening?

Come come...
let me sayang you...
so don't be sad le ok.
**sayang YQ**

bloody SY...
what the hell you doing.
**point at tag**

I'll go and bombard your tag...
then you'll know how evil I am.
**evil muahahahaha**

during my lunch time...
I happened to pass by...
those children learning centre...
and an idea suddenly strike my mind.
**doudge the striking idea**

Oh man...
have an idea now...
now I need is a team...
to make things happening.

I loVe mONeY™
6:16 PM

__[ Saturday, January 13, 2007 ]__

3 cherry red roses...
1 simple hand made card...
all for the girl who smile so sweetly.

Although I am not able to be there...
and the card was not made by me personally...
but those are my sincerity to make Jo smile and happy.

Dear Jo...
how I wish I could see...
the little smile on your face...
and tell everyone that you are sweet.

thanks Kate and bibi...
for giving me all of your support...
and helped me so much in such a short notice.

I loVe mONeY™
11:30 PM

__[ ]__

is a very cold...
and tired Friday.

Met up with Kate...
after my work last night..
to discuss some goodie things ahead.

MSNing with MIA...
about her new found job...
and our sure not enough salary.

our basic pay...
is about $900+...
excluding CPF deduction.
**sob sob**

its definitely not enough...
so I've suggest to find a 2nd income.
**scratch backside**

I loVe mONeY™
11:04 AM

__[ Friday, January 12, 2007 ]__

its rainning outside
and I am so cold here.

Too cold le...
not even my jacket...
can keep me steady and warm.
**continue shivers**

a leg cramp...
this morning...
when I woke up.

Its 0k now...
but I don't know why...
it kept cramping me lately.
**rub off the pain**

Was late for work today...
because I missed 2 bus in the morning...
which was so crowded with lots of humans.

Some more...
its rainning heavily...
and I was drench a little.
**sob sob**

with immediate effect...
every single mistakes made...
regarding on the membership...
$10 will be deducted from salary.
**slap cheek and open eyes wide**

So I think its time...
to get a specs for my eyes...
after I got my 1st paycheck.

for the time being...
I need to focus hard...
and try not to make mistakes.

I loVe mONeY™
11:22 AM

__[ ]__

Cosafe Maid Cafe...
I wanna go there and have a look.
**evil muahahaha**

Its at...
C.H.I.J.M.E.S there...
so who wants to go with me...
and check out the place and the waitress.

I do hope...
that there are...
lots of ChioBu for me to drool at.

But just saw...
some of their related pics...
and didn't see any nice one ley.
**sweat rolling down**

just get someone down with me...
and go get some pratical personal experience.
**look into phone book**

I loVe mONeY™
1:01 AM

__[ Thursday, January 11, 2007 ]__

Sorry Jo...
I had broke...
the promise with you.

I really felt bad...
as you are really...
someone special to me.

So please...
don't be angry le.

I loVe mONeY™
10:59 PM

__[ ]__

Oh man...
what a big rain...
so I can't go for a swim today.
**n my mouth shape**

So now...
either I take a nap...
or I'll go down to Bugis for my shopping.
**count money in wallet**

I loVe mONeY™
3:02 PM

__[ ]__

Today off...
so no need to sleep early.
**rub eyes and yawn**

what happened to my Blog...
how come I cannot edit post?

I need to update...
the information I'd stored...
using my money loving Blog.
**wave fist to protest**

still no idea...
where to go swim later.

or the Jurong West?
**scratch backside**

I loVe mONeY™
2:52 AM

__[ Wednesday, January 10, 2007 ]__

a lot of people...
stand around the Mac department...
watching a video presentation by Steve Jobs.

Including me...
I was drooling...
together with them...
over the latest i phone by Apple.
**wipe off salivar**

And just now...
my mum invited...
one shi fu to our house.

He somehow...
able to read my thoughts...
and know that I am currently...
angry with life and grew hatred inside.

So he told me...
to put down those thoughts...
and start to be loving and have faith again.
**sob sob**

there is someone...
who understand me...
and guild me what to do.

Too late or not...
I don't wish to care...
all I want is my heart back.
**feel my chest**

thanks MIA...
I think I need to dye my hair 1st...
in order to fit into the clothes I wanna buy.

I got some...
which I wanna order...
but my stupid hair how?
**twirl my hair**

I loVe mONeY™
11:58 PM

__[ ]__

you people...
spam my tagboard...
don't think I never see.
**show middle finger**

Yeah Grace...
CSY the initial...
really can make people...
mispronouncing it as CSI.

And Sam...
Elmo is too hairy for you...
so please forget about him...
and start loving Banana brothers.

Lastly to SY...
happy cells grow...
and die when they meet you.

I loVe mONeY™
11:31 PM

__[ ]__

Nintendo DS...
I wanna buy one and play.

Saw the Dogz, Catz...
and that Animal Crossing game...
I am so tempted to buy one and play.

The Cooking Mama...
also very look very cool for me...
it is the only game that guide you in cooking.

Don't care...
since I am on diet...
why not save the money for lunch...
to get the Nintendo DS to accompany me.

I loVe mONeY™
10:55 AM

__[ Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ]__

didn't know...
that the cloudy weather...
can affect my mood so badly.
**rub eyes and yawn**

Rocky Balboa...
coming soon this 1st March.

Can't wait to see...
and shag myself with the Rocky's music.
**find boxing gloves**

that stupid YQ...
now then want to study.

Queen YQ...
I will jiayou for you de...
so remember to sleep early...
and wake up on time to go school ok!
**give YQ a nudge then a hug**

I loVe mONeY™
10:43 AM

__[ ]__

Bloody SY...
discuss about gays with me...
and scares the hell out of me.
**smack SY's forehead**

Oh man...
I am so freak out...
with gays and sissy men.

Also SY...
go on diet is good...
I cannot accumulate cholesterol inside.

And that is why...
I practice Yoga to stay fit.
**salute to the sun**

But hor...
now a days...
no time to practice le...
so grow a bit fat with a tummy.
**sob sob**

sorry Seng...
heard from Kate just now...
that you waited for me at Suntec.
**apologize to Seng**

I wasn't in a good mood...
so I didn't went down to meet you...
and I am really very very sorry about it.

I loVe mONeY™
12:30 AM

__[ Monday, January 08, 2007 ]__

2 days le....
and no signs of any drop of tears...
I'm hereby declare that I am heartless.
**evil muahahahaha**

Jo want peace...
so I had to let her be...
and now my lunch break...
had become very tasteless and boring.

And so I think...
now is a good time...
for me to go on a diet.
**tighten belt**

very sorry about your birthday thing.
**apologize to xiaomik**

I should be the one...
who is responsible for it...
but I push it to Seng to help you organize one.

heard that its not been a good one...
even though Seng had put in his efforts.
**give Seng a pad on the shoulder**

Tomorrow is your birthday...
so I wish you early here in my blog.
**take cake chase after xiao mik**

I'm off on Thursday...
but no one is free for a date.
**sob sob**

maybe will go for a swim...
and hopefully got lots of ChioBus to see.
**yay out loudly**

But hor...
I don't know how to float ley...
so how in the blue x3 am I going to swim.
**blow swimming float**

I loVe mONeY™
2:32 PM

__[ ]__

here is the pictures..
of my hamster looking manager.
**yay out loud**

Very cute hor...
wanna hug him?

I loVe mONeY™
1:47 AM

__[ Sunday, January 07, 2007 ]__

you people anyhow...
sabotage me when I'm not around.

Thanks lor...
become class leader...
when I'm not attending classes anymore.

And SY...
thanks for the 1st hand tipping...
hope you people are using the new classroom already.

So people...
please update me...
with the latest picture of your efforts.

I loVe mONeY™
11:19 AM

__[ ]__

Oh my...
slept late last night...
because me, MIA, Ash and Sam...
having conference over the telephone last night.

not really very sad...
as it is not the first time for me le...
and I believe there are still more in the future.

And thanks Jo...
I wanna have a dream...
for me to hold on to again.
**1~2~3~ whoos!**

MIA ah...
who say I look scary de...
I find myself with the eyeliner cool lor.
**u my mouth shape**

And I'd checked my closet le...
all my clothes doesn't bring out that taste...
so you must help me with the makeover hor.
**sob sob**

I loVe mONeY™
10:25 AM

__[ Saturday, January 06, 2007 ]__

I just got rejected...
by that sweet and lovely Jo.
**sob sob**

history have been repeating...
and that is why I love to study it.

to all girls I get to know...
please don't keep saying "you're too nice for me"...
thats the most brainless answer that I kept hearing.

And from now on..
I swear that I'm not nice anymore.
**n my mouth shape**

I loVe mONeY™
11:33 PM

__[ Friday, January 05, 2007 ]__

this is it...
I'm going to turn around...
go back inside the C.S staff office...
to use my h.p and take a pic of my manager.
**twist fingers**

I loVe mONeY™
3:44 PM

__[ Thursday, January 04, 2007 ]__

went to P.S...
and bugged Jo...
after I finish my work.
**evil muahahaha**

So happy to see her...
and saw that nice smile on her face.
**run away screaming in shyness**

Didn't notice...
that today is Thursday already.
**slap my forehead**

Times flies very fast...
I had not enjoy enough yet...
and suddenly 1 week is about to over le.

finally got my polo-tee...
from the auntie of HR department.

That means...
tomorrow no need...
to wear formal shirt liao.
**u my mouth shape**

I really...
really really...
wanna take a picture...
of that kawaii manager of mine.

He look so much...
like a giant hamster lor.

I go try my luck.
**map evil plans**

I loVe mONeY™
11:01 PM

__[ Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ]__

Its been a long time...
since I walked in the rain...
and its so cold that it cool my face.

The rain was big...
and I don't know why...
I walk through it getting myself drench.

WanRu was right...
being as a vegetarians...
we are emotionally weak.

we are tolerant...
but we still have our limit...
and once we crossed over it...
we'll blow off anything that are standing.

I loVe mONeY™
11:42 PM

__[ ]__

A few min ago...
YQ told me something very bad.
**sob sob**

history is repeating...
and I am used to it liao.
**smile brightly**

I loVe mONeY™
3:07 PM

__[ ]__

Blogging while working...
later customer complaint me...
say I never pay attention to their complaint...
than i am really in deep deep deep trouble liao.

No lah...
early morning...
not much of customers one.

Some more...
today no more holiday le...
all the people going back to work.
**very evil laugh**

later need to help..
an old ang mo customer...
to poke the stupid vendor's ass.
**look up at memo**

slept late last night...
so today go back home...
must try to get some sleep early.

gave Jo the tee-shirt...
and saw her happy smile.
**YAY out loud**

She is sooo..
cute and sweet.

Get to meet...
the fat gentle cat...
that slack around Jo's block.

The cat was so cute lor...
you disturb the cat also won't get pissed de...
I want to bring the cat home and hug in my bed.
**map out evil plans**

I loVe mONeY™
10:46 AM

__[ Tuesday, January 02, 2007 ]__

Just came back...
from Death Note 2 outing...
with my brother and cousins.

L is so ke lian...
Misa is so cute...
and Kira is so bad.

its a good show...
but I'm short sighted.

So throughout the show...
I was having difficulties reading...
the bloody English and Chinese subtitles.

heard from my brother...
that the BLS new classroom is pretty.

I saw some pictures...
taken by him in his blog...
and find the room look so cosy.
**Yay out softly**

Thanks people...
for all those all effort you put in...
and I am very sorry that I am not there.

I do hope...
the classroom...
will bring joy to everyone.

tomorrow work again...
so I better go and rest early.
**wave bye**

I loVe mONeY™
12:37 AM

__[ Monday, January 01, 2007 ]__

I'm finally back home...
from my NYE celebrations...
and today I am given an OFF!

no need to work...
because boss put Off...
on my bloody time schedule.

I went to the stupid...
NYE@Expo celebration...
and met up with Seng there.

Unseen was there too...
to take photograph for the event...
and probably some party lingerie there.

that place was so cold...
and I am also very piss off by the...
super duper few under 18 no ChioBu crowds.

I still don't understand...
how come a 21 year old kid...
will end up there at the underage section?

That place is...
very very boring lor...
I regret going there very much...
not even those ChioBu can make it a good choice.

me and Seng...
at about 11.00pm...
made a decision to go see fireworks.

We run out of Expo...
and board the MRT towards City Hall.

But in the end...
after much consideration...
about the huge amount of human traffic...
and those inconveniences for us to get back home.

We decide to phone Kate...
and stopped her from going back home...
to celebrate her very very lonely New Year.

Partying at Suntec was fun...
we swing our body around the music...
and get high when counting down the days...
its obviously so much better than the Expo lor.

we are near the esplanade...
but we only got to see a tiny bit..
of firework splashing out from a far.
**sob sob**

Too bad...
today didn't get to meet Jo.
**n my mouth shape**

She and her friends...
went to watch the firework...
over at the flooded esplanade there.

She did called me up...
after the fireworks displayed...
and told me she was at Marina Square.
**u my mouth shape**

She asked me...
if YQ was with me not...
and told me I can go meet her...
together with stupid YQ and her ZW.

YQ was not with me...
Seng and Kate wanna go back...
so I wished her a Happy New Year...
through my cold and sweaty 3G phone...
and decided to head back home for a good rest.
**n my mouth shape again**

now is 4.06am...
and I am wondering...
is Jo back home safe yet?

And how come...
I got so much things for me..
to write in my purple blog today?

dear sweetie...
remember to give me...
a message me when you reach home ok?

Good night everyone...
and to the loveliest Kate...
thanks for the bring us the fun.


I loVe mONeY™
4:17 AM