[[ nAMe ]]
f.D nIcHoLAs

[[ aka ]]
i lOVe mONEy™

[[ daTE oF bIRtH ]]

[[ lEveL ]]

[[ tYPe ]]

[[ jOb ]]

[[ sKiLL ]]
aCt stUpID
dRAw diNosAuR

[[ iNtEReSteD ]]

[[ liKE ]]
dO teRRibLE tHiNgs

[[ dIsliKE ]]
bAD bReatH
smEllY aRMpiT
hONg kOnG fOOt


iF yOU wANt tO lovE
soMEOne yOu nEVer hAd...

yOU hAVe tO dO
sOMEthInG yOu nEver dONe.


iF yOU aRE huRt aND yOU aRe aNGrY...

yOu aRe cRyiNG...

pLEaSe rEmeMbEr mE...

i wIll hOLd yOU
witH my hANds...

tOuCh yOU
wiTh mY cARe...

chEEr yOU
witH mY bESt.


i aM a nuRSe...

pRoTecTiNg yOU wHile yOu aRe wEaK...

giVE yOU hOPe whEn yOU cAN't sEe.

iF I dON't mAKe yOu smILe...

wHo wIll?


i cAN't bE, wHaT i uSEd tO bE...

sO i hAd tO stARt oFf lEaRniNG aGaIN.


rUn aWAy
fInd a waY
oUt oF bLinDness
oUt oF dAY...

niGhT hAD cAMe
dARk hAs tAKe
dREams hAVe juSt betRaY...

feEL nO rEgRet
aS i'vE lEarn
mY dAY...

mAyBe fAiLuRe iS a
bEauTiFul thiNG.


mOi bRoThEr

mOi EviL twIn

aiYo tHaT gIrL

mOo jO jO jO

xiAo Mik

bABy kIttY


fRanCe mOnStAr

fraNcE bElLe

DuRRaIn cAke

muRdeRoUs RaBBi+

neIgHbOurIng sIsteR

bLiNg bLinG pEArL

tWinKle mOi fOOt

iRRitaTIng kID

gONoCoCcuS hULk

suRVivOR cuTie

sQuared pAntS

pOiSon iVy

sMAll biBi

jEnSon diDi

gRinER gIrl

lAzOr viOlIn


jAwS bReAKer

wROnG pERsOn

zOmBIe kIt

sHAnGhAi iDiOt


kIsS gooDByE


kAeDe matSuSHima

aOi sOLa


blAnChe gUrL


lONely GeR

lOliTTa cUTe


mY fRiEndStER

sTOmp hAngOut


vIRgo hOrosCopE

tArrOt rEAdinG

cHarActEr aNalYsis


pAPer cRAne

nApKin rOSe

caRRorT cAKe

iCe-cReaM cAstLe

oRAnGe rAbBit

i lOve rABBiTs

miNi miiE




December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


nInE oNe tWO nINe

nINE fiVE foUR eiGht



__[ Thursday, March 29, 2007 ]__

3rd lesson...
of my Lindy Hop class...
and another 5 more to go.

Today lesson...
was my worst ever...
as I was unable to focus...
and synchronize my moves.

So far...
I've been...
practicing it...
with my lone self...
for too long already.

But Lindy Hop...
is about 2 person...
and not with myself only.

That is probably why...
I am unable to fix myself...
and caught in a mess today.
**shake head and sigh**

felt a bit sick also...
as I wanna puke out...
after doing my Lindy's turn.

due to the fact...
that I haven't have any...
proper meals for a long time le.

Kate was sick...
so she was unable to come...
and guide my horrible dancing today.

Hope she gets back her health...
and get over her emotion obstacle soon.
**hug Kate tightly**

Since Kate...
was not here today...
I approach Sean for practice.

Thanks to him...
I manage to get back...
some of my dance rhythm.

I loVe mONeY™
11:50 PM

__[ ]__

the plan was to...
meet up with Yvonne...
to go kidnap our small bibi...
from her bowling training de.

go find Alroy...
to have dinner together.

And Kit Yeng...
was suppose to get recruit...
and join our Doraemon family.

nothing goes according...
from what we initially planned.

Small bibi...
was unable to join us....
and I end up meeting Yvonne...
to go Pacific Plaza to find Alroy there.

Bloody hell...
Alroy was too busy...
so both Yvonne and me...
need to rush off without meeting her.

I loVe mONeY™
11:54 AM

__[ ]__

Oh my bloody god...
its 3.30am in the morning le...
and I'm laughing out very loudly...
all the way while watching the YouTube.

Its a Jap drama...
call "My Boss My Hero"...
and its really very very funny.

I loVe mONeY™
3:29 AM

__[ Wednesday, March 28, 2007 ]__

let me introduce...
my small Doraemon family.

Starting with...
Doraevon aka Yvonne.
the girl who is crazy over purple.

Next is...
Doraebi aka Bibiania...
the youngest in the family.

Then comes...
Doraeci aka Kit Yeng...
but she is still under TBC list.

Forth is...
Doraedi aka Alroy...
the number 2 in the family.

Doraeek aka me lor...
the funniest in the big family.

our family...
is still expanding.

there is going to be...
Doraefee aka Charissa.

And hopefully...
Doraebi marry her Choon...
and I will have a BIL to torture liao.
**evil muahahaha**

also in my wish list.
**pray to TPG**

"She knows who"...
faster make a confess to...
my little Doraevon sister bah.

I wanna have another BIL...
to add into my sick collection list.
**muahahaha across the street**

I loVe mONeY™
11:19 PM

__[ Tuesday, March 27, 2007 ]__

I really wanna...
hold your hands...
pull you close to me...
and have a dance with you.

I've practice...
those dance steps...
everyday without fail.

Just wanna have that single chance...
to have a dance with you in the future.
**step, step... triple steps**

I loVe mONeY™
2:00 AM

__[ Monday, March 26, 2007 ]__

was Yvonne's day...
and guess what day is today?

Today is...
Charissa's day...
and she is 20th le.
**yay out loud**

Charissa arh...
growing old le wor...
must learn to dress up...
more and more like an auntie hor.

And hor...
faster get marry bah...
I wanna kick your son's balls.
**evil muahahaha....**

I loVe mONeY™
11:36 PM

__[ Sunday, March 25, 2007 ]__

25th March...
is Yvonne's day.

to Yvonne...
Happy Pretty...
18th Birthday to you.

I loVe mONeY™
11:04 PM

__[ Friday, March 23, 2007 ]__

Just came back...
from my fun 2nd Lindy Hop lesson...
and also had my extra hardworking practice with Kate.

I get giddy...
after many rounds...
of Lindy's turn with the girls.

But this time...
I didn't step on other's feet...
instead I got mine stepped on.

I've set up a secret goal...
for myself to work hard and achieve.
**step step... triple steps**

In this way...
my journey of mastering Lindy...
will going to be more fun and fulfilling.

met up with Pearl...
in the afternoon to discuss...
about her worries and troubles.

She seems...
to be getting thinner...
but her clothes never change.

I loVe mONeY™
1:18 AM

__[ Thursday, March 22, 2007 ]__

Sorry YQ...
for showing...
a very bad attitude to you.

Even if I apologize to you here...
I don't think its enough to cover up...
all those hurting actions and words for you.

Sad to say...
I seriously don't think...
that I have enough time left...
to enjoy that kind of party life you have.

As I am not really...
feeling very well now a days..
so it really going to worn me out...
to see all those people and their motive.

And you did notice...
I'm getting more and more moody.
**wipe sweat**

So its better...
for you to stay away awhile...
before I goes crazy and hurt you more.

is what I want now...
and I think only dancing...
can brings me that little peace.

its Thursday again...
and I'm going to show off...
what I had spent time and practiced.

I loVe mONeY™
12:39 AM

__[ Wednesday, March 21, 2007 ]__

Just finish...
playing my online game...
and I am very very tired now.

Long time...
never play MU le..
got the urge to start...
my MU massacre again.

I loVe mONeY™
3:37 AM

__[ Saturday, March 17, 2007 ]__

I bribe Kate...

I loVe mONeY™
2:09 AM

__[ Friday, March 16, 2007 ]__

Just came back...
from my 1st Lindy Hop lesson...
and the whole experience was so great.

Got the chance...
to spin 10 girls in a shot...
and 4 rounds of circle each.

I end up feeling...
so tired and giddy
**wipe sweat**

After the lessons...
I geet to stay on until 11pm...
to observe other Lindy Hoppers...
and practice a little bit of my basics with Kate.

Trying my best...
to get all the rhymes right...
so that I won't step on my partner again.
**giggle out softly**

I determine master...
the moves and beats...
so as to able to go some clubs...
and show off my funky Lindy's move.
**1, 2, 3 and 4... 5, 6, 7 and 8...**

I loVe mONeY™
2:01 AM

__[ Thursday, March 15, 2007 ]__

I'm so proud of you.

Oh my...
if not for Pearl...
I don't think I'll be able...
to know that you are featured...
as a success story in Republic Poly.

Yeah right...
thanks for the video Pearl!
**huggies too**

And wish me luck...
on the results tomorrow.
**pray hardly**

I'm finally...
able to log into the net again.
**yay out loudly**

These few weeks...
without Stomp and MSN...
life is really dull and depressing.

its over now...
able to surf again.

went barring...
with JinKai after work...
around at Boat Quay area.

Pulled Shaffwan along...
but he manage escaped off.
**rub single chin**

In the end...
both me and JK drank 1 jar of beer...
and went off with red eyes and red face.

I loVe mONeY™
4:01 AM

__[ Wednesday, March 14, 2007 ]__

Thanks SY...
your Honey Joy was nice...
but you only gave me a few only...
not enough to fill my hungry stomach.

Oh yeah...
I'll try to reply...
by snail mail ASAP.

tomorrow is going to be...
my very 1st Lindy Hop lesson.

And right after the lesson...
I am going to stay back until 11pm...
to practice my moves together with Kate.

I loVe mONeY™
11:31 AM

__[ Friday, March 09, 2007 ]__

Monster Chen...
what you wanna tattoo on my back?

If its those sticks man...
that you always love to draw...
then I think you can really forget it.
**giggle out**

And Monster...
I'd read the tag...
and saw Sam's doubt with you...
for being quiet and demure girl you claim to be.
**laughing out loud**

You people..
are seriously...
very very funny.

March school holidays...
is going to start next week...
so I wish you people a happy holidays.

Do enjoy yourself...
and please remember...
to finish off your homework on time.

I loVe mONeY™
11:25 AM

__[ ]__

Off day yesterday...
so decide to re-try the modem...
that I've purchased the day before.

Bloody modem...
was unable to work...
so I had to call up the tech support...
and guide me with the bloody device check.

in the afternoon...
went to return my VCD.

And after that...
I went around shopping...
from FarEast to Marina Square.

YQ worried me yesterday...
so when I was shopping at FarEast...
I had no mood to look around at pretty things.

Oh man...
I had miss out...
drooling at ChioBu there.

Then about
come back to office...
and do some followup.

And at the same time...
complaint about my modem.

I am so broke now...
not enough money le.
**dig pocket**

shop for lots of things...
from bags to Keroro toys.

Oh my god...
I'm going to get myself...
a make over to turn into a baddie.
**yay out loud**

I loVe mONeY™
10:43 AM