[[ nAMe ]]
f.D nIcHoLAs

[[ aka ]]
i lOVe mONEy™

[[ daTE oF bIRtH ]]

[[ lEveL ]]

[[ tYPe ]]

[[ jOb ]]

[[ sKiLL ]]
aCt stUpID
dRAw diNosAuR

[[ iNtEReSteD ]]

[[ liKE ]]
dO teRRibLE tHiNgs

[[ dIsliKE ]]
bAD bReatH
smEllY aRMpiT
hONg kOnG fOOt


iF yOU wANt tO lovE
soMEOne yOu nEVer hAd...

yOU hAVe tO dO
sOMEthInG yOu nEver dONe.


iF yOU aRE huRt aND yOU aRe aNGrY...

yOu aRe cRyiNG...

pLEaSe rEmeMbEr mE...

i wIll hOLd yOU
witH my hANds...

tOuCh yOU
wiTh mY cARe...

chEEr yOU
witH mY bESt.


i aM a nuRSe...

pRoTecTiNg yOU wHile yOu aRe wEaK...

giVE yOU hOPe whEn yOU cAN't sEe.

iF I dON't mAKe yOu smILe...

wHo wIll?


i cAN't bE, wHaT i uSEd tO bE...

sO i hAd tO stARt oFf lEaRniNG aGaIN.


rUn aWAy
fInd a waY
oUt oF bLinDness
oUt oF dAY...

niGhT hAD cAMe
dARk hAs tAKe
dREams hAVe juSt betRaY...

feEL nO rEgRet
aS i'vE lEarn
mY dAY...

mAyBe fAiLuRe iS a
bEauTiFul thiNG.


mOi bRoThEr

mOi EviL twIn

aiYo tHaT gIrL

mOo jO jO jO

xiAo Mik

bABy kIttY


fRanCe mOnStAr

fraNcE bElLe

DuRRaIn cAke

muRdeRoUs RaBBi+

neIgHbOurIng sIsteR

bLiNg bLinG pEArL

tWinKle mOi fOOt

iRRitaTIng kID

gONoCoCcuS hULk

suRVivOR cuTie

sQuared pAntS

pOiSon iVy

sMAll biBi

jEnSon diDi

gRinER gIrl

lAzOr viOlIn


jAwS bReAKer

wROnG pERsOn

zOmBIe kIt

sHAnGhAi iDiOt


kIsS gooDByE


kAeDe matSuSHima

aOi sOLa


blAnChe gUrL


lONely GeR

lOliTTa cUTe


mY fRiEndStER

sTOmp hAngOut


vIRgo hOrosCopE

tArrOt rEAdinG

cHarActEr aNalYsis


pAPer cRAne

nApKin rOSe

caRRorT cAKe

iCe-cReaM cAstLe

oRAnGe rAbBit

i lOve rABBiTs

miNi miiE




December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


nInE oNe tWO nINe

nINE fiVE foUR eiGht



__[ Monday, April 30, 2007 ]__

My throat...
hurts me so much...
that I hardly can swallow.

I loVe mONeY™
12:30 AM

__[ Sunday, April 29, 2007 ]__

Its a boring day...
blogging while working...
is really a good idea to play with

And from tomorrow on...
I'll be officially a confirm employee.
**yawn out loudly**

my 30GB iPork video...
when will it reach my evil hands?
**wail out loudly**

I loVe mONeY™
6:28 PM

__[ ]__

I've been trying...
to keep myself busy...
by learning some Japanese.

At the same time...
I'm also been trying...
to save some of my money...
in order to go Japan for a trip.

I loVe mONeY™
1:06 AM

__[ ]__

I loVe mONeY™
12:49 AM

__[ Thursday, April 26, 2007 ]__

Another one more...
Lindy's Hop lesson to go...
and I will be advancing to level 2.

And pretty soon...
will move on to learn...
how to dance Argentina's Tango.
**whistle out loud**

Dance steps...
are getting messier...
as more new steps were introduced.

But that was not...
an excuse for my disappointment.

I had not been practicing...
my moves for about two weeks le.

I had a hard time...
struggling to dance correctly.

I've noticed...
that I'm too rush le.

My beats...
don't fit the music...
and my rhythm was too fast.
**shake head**

I loVe mONeY™
11:48 PM

__[ Sunday, April 22, 2007 ]__

was a busy day.
**sweat out**

Was tied down...
by a lame Fujitsu issue...
and an ask-a-lot customer.
**waive fist in the air**

Didn't had chance for my lunch...
and found that air can really fill me.
**open mouth to suck air**

If that is so...
then I can save...
quite a lot for next month.
**LOL in front of PC**

Met up with YQ...
at Lot 1 a while ago...
to pass her the thing...
which I like to call "Pork".

She wanna treat me...
to eat Mcd ice-cream de...
but I turned down her offer.

she planned to make me...
become heavy and fat like her.

Its been a while...
since I visited Lot 1 le...
and I happened to pass by...
that particular bloody Mcd's seat...
which reminded me of 19th Nov 2005.

also many memories...
of my secondary school days.

I loVe mONeY™
11:39 PM

__[ Friday, April 20, 2007 ]__

I didn't attend...
my 6th Lindy Hop class.

I did went....
for the Swing Fling...
to have my dance floor practice.

Sean and me...
had a hard time...
figuring here and there...
about the 6 steps hand works.
**arigarto Sean**

And also having a hard time...
switching my 6 steps rhythms...
back to my ususal 8 steps count...
to end up messing my dance with FF.

Anyway yesterday...
I am not feeling well...
and I had a terrible depression.

Felt very lost...
and had no idea on...
who the bloody hell am I.

everything is fine now...
especially after my dance practice...
which I got re-charge with positive energy.

I had successfully...
won the bet with fat YQ...
and she will be my slave for a year.
**muahaha with a big "V" sign**

I loVe mONeY™
11:07 AM

__[ Thursday, April 19, 2007 ]__

Oh my god...
my sis is getting marry.
**huggies to sis**

And I am...
going to have...
my own room again.
**yay out loud**

hopefully soon...
I will get to have...
cute niece and nephew...
for me to feed until fat fat.
**evil muahahaha**

Oh gosh...
and that will going to be...
my dear mum's best birthday present ever.

I loVe mONeY™
12:13 AM

__[ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 ]__

why am I...
so blur today.
**rub eyes**

Since morning...
I got myself a big scolding...
for arranging the HDD wrongly.

YuanEe and JinKai...
came back to visit us today.

YE came back...
with donuts for us to eat.
**huggies YE**

And JK...
came back...
for a cash refund.
**sweat out**

those donut...
which YE bought...
made me felt so heavenly.

I had tried...
to buy those donut...
for a bloody hell 4 times before...
and every time I tried to queue up for it...
I will get to hear the nut seller telling me "sold out!".
**bang head on wall**

finally I get to try...
how nice that donut is.
**gan dong**

mum's birthday today.
**clap clap clap**

Thanks you...
for taking care of me...
and Happy Birthday to you.
**huggies to mummy**

I loVe mONeY™
11:16 AM

__[ ]__

to the music...
on my purple blog.

I think...
its getting me...
a little bit moody le.

Dear YQ...
what ever decision...
you had made and going to make...
you will always had my backup and support.

I don't care...
what kind of mess...
you might going to get into...
as long as I am still breathing...
I'll squeeze my ideas to help you de.

To Kate...
JiaYou with your...
dance performance.

Hope you can...
kick the female lead out...
and snatch her pretty dance shoe.
**pom pom cheers for Kate**

I loVe mONeY™
1:30 AM

__[ Tuesday, April 17, 2007 ]__

You are really...
very special to me.

I loVe mONeY™
2:00 AM

__[ Monday, April 16, 2007 ]__

Its 3.30pm le...
and I don't have any money...
to buy myself something call "lunch" to eat.
**tummy grumble**

Watched my colleague...
one by one going off for lunch...
really felt like biting their neck and suck their blood.

Wasn't able to walk...
as my legs muscle is having...
a very very very terrible ache.

So currently...
I had to bear the pain...
and sit until I feel happy.

I loVe mONeY™
3:11 PM

__[ ]__

goes smooth in life...
but that doesn't means...
that I shouldn't give it a try...
and fight for my chance and rights.

I loVe mONeY™
1:00 AM

__[ Saturday, April 14, 2007 ]__

Today 14/4/2007...
was the last day of work...
for our JinKai and YuanEe.

Good luck to them...
and many thanks for helping...
to crop with those membership...
and many many blood boiled phone calls.
**huggies to JK and YE**

A small relief for me...
as I received my meal allowance...
which is really a big saved for the rest of the month.

living on a tight budget...
and am going to skip my meals...
to make many many things possible.
**tighten belt**

Attended my 5 of 8...
Lindy's Hop lesson and tuition.

Sad to say...
J will no longer teaching us...
as she had bigger plans to deal with.

Ann took over her role...
and she seems very strict.

Never mind...
I'll practice hard...
and make my way up...
to the super advance league.

And I am determine...
to get myself the chance...
to achieve what I'd aimed for.

learned 6 count steps...
instead of my usual 8 count.
**brood over**

Had to start off from scratch again...
and that had made me mess up my legs...
with the new "Rock step, triple steps, triple steps".

Also on that day...
met up with YQ in the afternoon...
to bring her to the Underwater world...
which made us realized that we had grown up.

After that...
went to watch dolphin...
which nearly put me to sleep.
**laugh out**

I loVe mONeY™
11:07 PM

__[ Tuesday, April 10, 2007 ]__

when are you...
going to come back.

All of us...
miss you ley.
**sob sob**

I loVe mONeY™
6:27 PM

__[ Saturday, April 07, 2007 ]__

went for a drink...
together with Alex...
after our bloody work.

Decided to hit out...
at the pub call "Amber 21"...
as Alex was attracted by the girls.

At the pub...
we played cards...
with one of the girls there...
and I was force to drink alcohol.

If I am not wrong...
the girl name is Elaine...
and she got a brother call Alex.
**giggle out**

I was drunk...
and need YQ...
to fetch me home.
**arigarto YQ**

And don't know why...
I wake up in the morning...
and found my hand is swelling.
**rubbing pain away**

I wanna...
apologize to Jo...
for my random messages.

I loVe mONeY™
6:58 PM

__[ Friday, April 06, 2007 ]__

from tomorrow on...
you won't get to know me anymore.

I loVe mONeY™
2:39 AM

__[ Thursday, April 05, 2007 ]__

Did well today...
for my 4th Lindy Hop lesson.
**clap clap clap**

Hard works...
did paid off well...
and I had manage...
not to mess up any...
of my dance steps already.

I was late for my lesson...
due to some unnecessary jam.
**honk honk**

other than Kate...
I manage to step out...
and dance with another girls le.

Manage to gain...
some new experience...
while dancing with FenFen...
and it was a great exposure to me.
**arigarto to FenFen**

I loVe mONeY™
11:58 PM

__[ Wednesday, April 04, 2007 ]__

Oh man....
bloody hell...
my head is aching.

Suspect that...
I am suffering...
from a hang over.
**rub aching head**

the DND was fun...
the MC was a crack...
and I had too much liquor.

Nearly everyone...
was drunk and tipsy...
as we were given free flow.

Glad to say...
you people are great...
really really enjoy my rough time...
with you people as my friends and colleague.

I loVe mONeY™
11:39 AM

__[ Monday, April 02, 2007 ]__

You shut the door close...
and I was left with no place to go...
so I decide to stay on and knock on your door.

You didn't heard me...
as you are far away from my knocking...
but I am still here banging and banging with my fist.

People had opened their door for you...
while I'm still behind the only door that you shut closed.

I loVe mONeY™
10:57 PM

__[ ]__

is the company's DND night...
and there will be vegetarian food for me.
**yay out with a "V"**

so store will be closing...
early at around 5pm tomorrow.

after work tomorrow...
I'm planning to go for some shopping.

bring along...
JinKai or Alex.
**piercing glance**

I loVe mONeY™
1:31 PM

__[ ]__

I still feel...
a bit stress out...
by the work load...
I am getting everyday.

No time for meals...
and living on a tight budget...
this kind of life really cannot make it.

my colleague...
that join around...
the same time as me...
already announce his quit.

He is going for Poly...
while I am not able to make it...
to any of the Poly for further study.

Never mind...
life is never smooth for me...
so I think I had to change plans again.

I loVe mONeY™
12:41 AM

__[ Sunday, April 01, 2007 ]__

1st April...
and it had been...
a very very bad day.

I'm so stress out today...
as I keep making bad decision...
and am going to pay for my mistakes.

thanks Joe...
for being there.

I loVe mONeY™
11:34 PM

__[ ]__

its my 3rd Pay day...
and my salary somehow...
looks like strinking even more ley.

I'm so broke...
for the whole of last month...
and left with nothing in my wallet...
especially during these past 4 days of my life.

got my salary le...
and had finish my transfer over le.

left only my bills...
and those loan from my sister.
**sob sob**

This month...
on my shopping list...
are mainly clothes and pants.

Trying to get...
a 1GB thumb drive also...
but that had to depend on my spending.

I loVe mONeY™
12:36 AM